Touch Assignment 2

 Within My Own Ocean

    Photography, 2021


"Our sense of smell, like so many of our other body functions, is a throwback to that time, early in evolution, when we thrived in the oceans. An odor must first dissolve into a watery solution our mucous membranes can absorb before we can smell it. … I became aware of two things for the first time: that we carry the oceans with us; that our veins mirror the tides. As a woman, with ovaries where eggs lie like roe, entering the smooth, undulating womb of the ocean from which our ancestors evolved millennia ago, I was so moved my eyes teared underwater, and I mixed my saltiness with the ocean's. Distracted by such thoughts, I looked around to find my positions vis-à-vis the boat, and couldn't. But it didn't matter: Home was everywhere." 

"A Natural History of The Senses", Diane Ackerman, page 589-597

Artist Statement 
     These photographs were taken at the Saint Augustine Beach near the pier. The quote from the section "The Ocean Inside Us" when reading made me think of quite simply the ocean and it's connection to us. I took these photographs at night in order to enhance a mysterious feeling and add a almost surreal and dreamlike touch to it. The lights on the pier correlating with the water and horizontal lines within the photograph also employ this connection between man, ocean and earth. 



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